Hello LEGO Enthusiasts,
We’re happy to announce that the nomination process for LEGO Ambassador Cycle 7 is now open.
The LEGO Ambassador Program is designed to give the AFOL Community a direct line into the LEGO Company. The Program is essentially a gathering of community representatives that speak on behalf of the larger communities they are a part of. This group is able to bring forward the interests, concerns and questions directly to LEGO Employees.
Who’s allowed to nominate?
Any AFOL Community Group (online or on the map) will have the opportunity to submit nominations from their group (up to 3 people if they so choose). Not everyone can be selected for the program in order to keep the group manageable.
If you choose to submit a nomination it does not mean that your candidate will be chosen, but it does mean that your group will have just as much an opportunity to get involved in having a direct representative in the LEGO Ambassador Program. We will try to get a diverse group of people who are able to represent the whole AFOL community as good as possible.
Groups can certainly nominate someone already in the Ambassador Program, but the program has a two term limit in order to opportunites for more people to be involved. After a term out of the program, a previous Ambassador can be re-nominated (this rule only started with cycle 6 so all current Ambassadors are still eligible).
A group that submits a nomination for the LEGO Ambassador program should be established and known within the LEGO Community.
What should a nomination have in it?
• Name and age of the nominee.
• Where is the nominee from?
• Which Group does this nominee represent?
• Does this person consent to being nominated (Please do not submit a nomination on behalf of someone you have not discussed with
• Explanation of who the nominees are, what their activities are, and why they would be a good representative of their community
(at least 3 testimonials from members of nominating group are required)
• Key interests of the nominee (themes, building styles, and some examples of their building)
• Platform – The nominations should now include a list of the goals that the nominee and the community he/she represents are looking
to accomplish as part of the program. Remember the LEGO Ambassador Program is all about the AFOL community having
representation into the LEGO Group, so this is an effort to have you think ahead as to what you really think would benefit your
communities the most.
When is the Nomination Due?
July 1, 2009 by midnight GMT. If a nomination is received after this time it will be automatically rejected.
The new cycle will be announced on approximately July 8, 2009.
Who Should the Nominations be sent too?
Nominations should be sent directly to steve@lego.com
What might a LEGO Ambassador be committing too?
• LEGO Ambassadors are committing to represent their communities interests to the LEGO Group.
• There are projects that Ambassadors can take part in, it is up to the individual to decide what they may or may not be interested in
working on. It all comes down to how they feel they can best represent their community.
• Online discussions will be held for the Entire group of Ambassadors that will include members of the LEGO Community Team and
other LEGO Employees as well.
• In order to get the most out of the program you should be willing to give some time to in order to help discussions along.
If you don’t give time to it then you may not be dishonoring the nomination you received from the community.
There is no NDA requirement to take part in the LEGO Ambassador Program for Cycle 7. There may be an instance where a special project will come up and the Ambassadors may have to sign an NDA to participate in that, but it will take place in a separate forum in order to limit confusion as to what can be said outside of the Ambassador program. Otherwise, anything shared in Ambassador Discussions can be shared with the AFOL Community.
This next session of the Ambassador Program will last approximately one year.
Thank you all. Your nominations are very valuable for helping the LEGO Community Team choose the next round of LEGO Ambassadors.
Steve Witt – LEGO Ambassador Lead
Tormod, Jan, Jim, Lenka, and Phil
The LEGO Community Team