noen av dere har allerede sett det i papirversjon, men iom at vi diskuterte andre viktige ting var det ikke akkurat nok tid til å gå gjennom det …
Her er en liste av oppgaver/prosjekter LEGO vil at nåværende ambassadører skal gjøre i løpet av “mandatet”. Vi har mulighet for å foreslå andre ting (så, hvis dere har interessante ideer er det bare å si ifra… mener å huske at eksterne folk også kan engasjeres):
LCT wrote:
- That all LAs establish contact to and co-operate as far as possible with local LEGO offices.
- That LAs organize themselves in diverse teams (country, LUG and gender) with a team leader and find effective working styles.
- That teams together with the assigned member of the LCT plan and carry through the projects they have selected together.
- That LAs actively communicate about the LA projects and relevant discussions in the GENERAL LA forum back to the AFOL community.
- That the LAs submit quality input in a well organized format to TLG on behalf of the AFOL Community.
- That LAs who decide to do so, give well considered feedback to “top secret projects” in the TOP SECTET LA forum – this will require signing an NDA
It was a strong input from the 2007/08 LA cycle that there is a need for concrete projects for LAs to work on. So therefore, here you go:
1 - Rescope LEGOfan.org to LEGOambassadors.com
LEGOfan.org has been in existence for over three years and has not turned out to be what was the original intention i.e. a web portal to the AFOL community. The web site is owned and operated by the not for profit organization BrickPortal Inc. which was established by a group of AFOLs in collaboration with the LCT. Over the years the site has crashed and been rebuilt two times or more but has never succeeded in delivering on the initial intention. Therefore we suggest that we change the purpose of the site to be “the official website for the LEGO Ambassador program”.
The task of the team that signs up for this project will be to scope what they want to see from this site, what the best way to execute this will be, and then to go through with the execution. Many aspects will be incorporated into the site as time goes on, including other Ambassador Projects like e.g. event calendar and Q&A. When the rescoped site is shaping up, a link to the site will be established on LEGO.com.
2 - Establish global Clubs/LUGs database
Part of working with the AFOL Community involves the need to know as much about it as possible. We currently have a solid count of nearly seventy-five LEGO User Groups and nearly 20,000 individual AFOLs who are members of these groups, but we know that this is just scratching the surface of how many fans there really are out there. Also, we have some serious problems with “double counting” as many AFOLs are members of many groups.
The team working on this project would work off the data we have gathered so far, add new groups and clean up the double counting of members. Links to each of the Clubs/LUGs might eventually be posted on the LEGOambassadors.com. Registered Clubs and via them, their members, might very well get some special treatment
3 - Revitalize and put LA Newsletter on track
Part of the structure for the LEGO Ambassador program has been changed in order to encourage more openness and dialogue between the AFOL Communities and the LEGO Ambassadors they've nominated to represent them. For this reason we have created the “GENERAL” LA forum. Instead of sharing randomly by copy and paste from discussions in this forum, we believe the LEGO Ambassador Newsletter would be a great format which could be issued with regular intervals and possibly in more languages. It would bring more visibility and transparency to the LA program both among AFOLs and TLG staff.
This team will need to work together to establish a format, design and schedule for putting out the newsletter and then stick to it consistently. The group will eventually be able to post the newsletters directly to LEGOambassadors.com when the site becomes the central location for LEGO Ambassador interaction.
4 - Establish Event Calendar
There are around ten major events within the AFOL community in a given year, and beyond that there are hundreds of smaller, local shows that deserve the attention of the AFOL community as well as the general public. Also creating a central event calendar on LEGOambassadors.com will give LEGO Consumer Service a destination to send people from the public who are asking about events in their area. This goal of this event calendar is to help the entire LEGO Community (everyone who love LEGO for what LEGO is) have a better picture of events really take place around the globe, both those organized by fans and those organized by the LEGO Group and it’s business partners.
This project team will set up a web based calendar format which could be hosted on LEGOambassadors.com. It should be possible for both fans, LEGO Group and LEGO Group business partner staff to post events and compiling all of those events into a single list with all of the useful information that would go along with such a listing. The biggest challenge for the team will be to determine how to maintain the events calendar over time.
5 - Establish Multi-Lingual Q&A for LEGO fans
There are many questions asked all around the LEGO Community and they've been answered on numerous occasions by both LEGO representatives and AFOLs including LEGO Ambassadors in various discussion forums. Finding the answers to these questions isn't always easy, and for this reason we want to establish a multi-lingual compilation of relevant questions and the answers to those questions.
The team working on this project will need to decide which format to put the information in (ex: wiki, etc.) and how to implement and integrate it into LEGOambassadors.com. Also the team should determine which questions should be posted and work with both the AFOL community and the LCT to get the answers.
6 - Create an incredible AFOL Video Presentation
Two years ago the LEGO Community Team worked with a few LEGO Ambassadors in order to put together a video presentation that could be used as an introduction to the AFOL Community for LEGO Group staff. The video was so successful that it now runs in a constant loop in the LEGO Museum in Billund, DK. Now it’s time to make an even more compelling 3-5 minutes video presentation.
The team that takes up this project will work together to build an updated multimedia presentation that can be used to tell the story about the amazing AFOL community to both LEGO Group staff the public.
7 – How can TLG help LEGO Ambassadors deliver on expectations
It is critical that LEGO Ambassadors are aware of what their nominating groups expect form them and deliver on these expectations in the best way they can. The LEGO Group will support LAs to deliver, but we need to now how we can best do this.
This team will compile a list of expectation to LEGO Ambassadors representing the full group and translate this list into what TLG can do to support.