Maico cannot attend this year, so the layout will be quite smaller than previous years (Almost tempted to ask if we actually should have a loop this year…)
The question is then: Who can bring modules, and how many approx?
Myself, around 10-12 modules. Hopefully a few more, depends on what breaks during LegoWorld, and how much time I can spend fixing and making new ones between that and PKH.
Off course we will have a loop! :mrgreen: Some years ago we had a loop of five modules, the public loved it - and so far I count at least 14 modules for PKH-19!
Anyone else want to participate with modules? Post in this thread, and if it’s a new module with your own design, remember to register for the GBC-competition!
Everyone participating with at least two GBC-modules will recieve a XL-motor as a “thank you”
Fra Team Hasselplug’s mer eller mindre vedtatte standardregler som følges av de fleste GBC byggerne:
Each module should have an “in” basket, and will move balls to the next module’s “in” basket, which must be directly in line.
The IN basket should be 10 studs by 10 studs (outside dimension) with an 8x8 opening, and should be 10 bricks (beams) tall.
The In basket should be located on the left side of the module, and output should go to the right.
There are no size limits, beyond those listed
Each module should be able to accept balls at an average rate of 1 ball per second. Balls can be passed continueously, or in a batch. A batch should not exceed 30 balls.
Så kort-kort versjon: 10x10x10. Dette skal modulen kunne ta i mot i, og levere til, 1 ball i sekundet eller en batch på inntil 30 baller.
Jeg har “the wheel” (oransje, hvit og svart sak) klar til bruk i år også. Den har holdt seg overraskende bra.
Har også en generisk beltesak liggende fra et par år tilbake. (tror jeg)
Jobber på 2 til nå. Den ene er fortsatt på konseptstadiet, den andre lekker som en sil. Heldigvis er det fortsatt god tid til å få de i brukbar stand
Off topic, men hvis noen ikke har fått det med seg;
Ny uoffisiell verdensrekord på 279 moduler ble satt på LegoWorld i København.
(Tror ikke vi klarer å slå den på PKH… )
Looks promising, we aren’t going for a new world record, but not bad either.
After what I can gueststimate, we are in for a nice sized loop, in the area of 30-40 modules (or more?.. come on people, we want moooore!).
I have even heard rumours that a “Not-normally-Technic-building” person will try to make a few modules.
If any wants to give it a try, I have links to several build instructions for easy modules.