It’s been another great Ambassador session but its time for us to begin Cycle 4 of the program.
• Continued our work in the development process for new products and upcoming product lines
• Received Early info about several new products
• Given feedback to potential licensees
• and way more that we can’t tell you about!
This session has been different as every session is. The Ambassadors are establishing themselves as the voice of the AFOL community within the LEGO Company. They are creating great excitement within the company as well concerning what things are possible when working with AFOLs.
The folks in Cycle 3 have done a great job.
Again, thanks very much to the third cycle Ambassadors. You’ve done great things in the last months of co operation.
But seeing as the third cycle is coming to a close, it’s time to open up the application process again. We’ll be accepting applications from August 2 to August 14 and will announce the new cycle of Ambassadors at the beginning of September. Details of the program are below, as are application instructions. you’ve applied in the past but not been accepted, you’ll need to send your application email again (hopefully updated with your latest activities).
To those who will be chosen as Ambassadors for the next cycle we can promise that they will face big challenges but also will be big opportunities to bring the word of the community into the LEGO Company.
There will be the possibility to submit new ideas and the mood and feeling of the community directly to our designers and we will push to improve the co operation between community members and our Design and marketing people significant so that we can get a fan input so early and to so many projects as possible.
So face the challenge and take the opportunity to make a difference!
We look forward to seeing a ton of applications in our inbox!
Jan and Steve
When Applying:
Please send us an email at about yourself and why you’d like to be a part of the program. Please outline your involvement with the community and describe your current activities. You will also need to tell us about yourself so that we can get a sense of who you are and how you interact through email (as this is our primary form of communication).
Er ikke helt sikker på hva dette opplegget egentlig går ut på, men det er sikker noen andre som vet.
Jeg er forøvrig på SIGGRAPH (messe for computer-grafikk) i Boston. I morgen er jeg invitert til MIT Media Lab.
Det er et enkelt, men genialt konsept. Storsinnede LEGO-Hobbyister, vanligvis de som er gode venner med svært mange, sender inn søknader for å bli ambassadører for LEGOs eldste kundegruppe, entusiastene.
De som blir pekt ut, får delta i produktutvikling og brainstorming, og sikkert også en del andre ting. Dette gjøres frivillig, dvs. de får ikke betalt, og i den fritiden de har. De får derimot enn masse goder og fordeler, som vanligvis kun ansatte har, og man får jo attpåtil også kontakter innover i selskapet, slik at man har en større sjanse av å kunne få en jobb hos LEGO.
Jeg vet at jeg ikke kommer til å søke - mine studier starter nå til høsten, og med en lørdagsjobb i tillegg tviler jeg på at det blir verken mye fritid eller penger på meg.