LEGO Group Partners With NASA to Build and Explore the Future
The LEGO Group will soon be partnering with NASA to create an educational program for kids. Check out their count down of the microsite over here!
"In February 2011 more than a dozen LEGO activities will be flown to the International Space Station (ISS). Astronauts will build LEGO models, complete educational activities, and record the results.
Activities will include the exploration of daily life on the ISS and the effect of microgravity on various simple machines. Videos of the completed activities and space-themed educational materials will be available at
The LEGO Group has been creating space models since 1973 and NASA has already provided inspiration and educational insight for a new line of LEGO CITY space models to be released in 2011".
Se evt. hele artiklen på Toy News
LEGO space shuttle modell vil sammen med NASA’s space shuttle Discovery ta av fra jorden i dag som vil markere starten på et 3 år langt samarbeid om å lage ett undervisningsprogram for barn.
oG i februar 2011 skal space shuttle Endeavour lastes med spesielle LEGO sett og frakte LEGOen opp til International Space Station (ISS) hvor astronautene skal bygge å kose seg =)
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