Vi er i Byggepladen gået i gang med et nyt projekt … For at hjælpe på finansieringen har vi søsat dette projekt på LEGO Ideas - jeg håber I vil hjælpe os med at støtte projektet… Tak for hjælpen.
Mvh, Henrik
The iconic DB Class 103 was the reference to one of the most beloved LEGO trains sets 7740. It is our goal to make this new version become a real LEGO product, but this is not the only goal of this project.
In 2013 the RLUG Danish ”Byggepladen” reached a Guinness World Record for longest plastic toy train track. 4,000.25 meters (13,124 ft 2 in) all done in old blue LEGO train tracks. Danish Lego enthusiast Henrik Ludvigsen was the man behind the project, and now he and Byggepladen is going to go even further. Actually 10x further.
42,195 meters (131 873 ft 45⁄16 inches) = 329,718 LEGO train tracks
The iconic marathon distance has been covered by athletes all over the world, but to build the tracks out of LEGO train tracks is a daunting task. The first hurdle is the 329,718 LEGO tracks that is needed, and this I where you can help by supporting the DB Class 103 project.
If the DB Class 103 project reaches 10,000 supports and becomes a LEGO Ideas model, the 1% of the total net sales will be used to purchase the LEGO tracks and make this record become a reality. If the project never becomes a reality the 1% will be donated to UNICEF.
We are planning to make the new Guinness World Record in the summer 2017.
The locomotive is designed by Lars Mogensen - a member of the Danish RLUG “Byggepladen”. The locomotive are build using 474 LEGO bricks.
The locomotive is ready for Power Functions…
Find it here:
Please support this crazy idea - thanks.