Everyone shoulw have gottent this email, pleeeeeease respond to the form ASAP! 
Everyone not responding withing April 23rd 18.00 we will try to get in touch with…so the fewer we have to contact the better it is
Hi all participants - all 104 of you!
[b]Please read this email and respond ASAP!
You respond by filling out this form: tinyurl.com/y3wabasj
Deadline for everything in this email: Tuesday April 23rd 18.00[/b]
We need you to verify different things:
- that you are still going to participate (sorry if you told me “no” and still get this email…)
- that you will or will not participate at dinner Saturday evening (we dont care about rest of the meals)
- that you have read the attached document. The document lists all MOCs that will participate in the people choice award. If we have mispelled your entry or your entry is missing, this is your chance to correct it! We will print about 5000 copies, after the deadline we cannot do changes!
(Internal competitions will be verified during the event, only a small number of prints
Some have their names stated instead of entry, they will be contaced since they have mutliple entries and can only participate with one in the people choice award.
From this moment, the main communication channel is the facebook-group:
We will also put information on the webpage, but everything will be linked in the group.
Questions etc? Use the group!
Why? It is easier for us to keep everyone updated on facebook.
You dont have facebook? Let me know and we will
What we expect from you as participant
Smile, have fun and help run the event!
We have some hired help, but the event is driven by us, the AFOLs. So during the event we need some help from everyone to do different things - not much, but you might be asked to help out for 30 minutes or so
Did you forget to register your moc?
No worries, send me an email and we will make space for it
Friday 13.00
At the top of the TV-tower in Trondheim there is a resturant. Some of us will have lunch there at about 13.00 on friday. If you would like to join, state so in the form so we now how large table we should book. Everyone have to pay for lunch themselves. egon.no/restauranter/tarnet
Monday 09.30
For those in Trondheim on Monday you could participate in a tour at Nidar, a Chocolate factory. We will also visit their factory store
The tour starts 10.00, we belive we will leave the hotel 09.30.
There is about 20 spaces, fist comes etc…
After the tour some of us will bring whoevere would like on a small tour in the town center, and we will find a place to have a lunch.
PS! Rememeber to bring the mandatory model!
Cant wait to meet you all!
Are & Harald